Puffles Custom Files

Hi, my name is Mateo, I’m trying to make custom puffles for my cpps but I can’t find the necessary files to do it. Do you have any idea where I can find them? Thank you. :heart:

To find puffle files within Legacy/Vanilla media folders go to media\play\v2\content\global\puffle and to edit them you need to download Flash CS6 and an swf Decompiler to convert it from a SWF to an FLA file, I would suggest SoThink then turn the sprites and paper within the file location and edit them to make a custom puffle, change the name of the file with a number after the colour for example puffle_blue123_walk, you would also need to add the new puffle to the database on the puffle table and add it to your account by penguin_puffle the number you put after the colour will be the puffle ID, the parent ID is the colour it originally is for this example it’s blue so select the blue puffle, if this is for AS2/Legacy you would then need to edit global and local crumbs which can be found in media\play\v2\content\local\en\crumbs and also in media\play\v2\content\global\crumbs if you are doing it in AS3 you need to edit the puffle_v2 files which are located in the game_configs bin files which has multiple file locations so just search it in your files application! I hope this has helped!

Thank you very much for the help. :heart: