Connection Error on XAMPP CPPS

Hello everyone. I’ve been following this tutorial to create my own CPPS using “penguinelite.php”.

However, whenever I run it and try to login, it shows me this:


I had to do some adaptations from the 2011 tutorial (like changing “ereg” to “preg_match”).

Here are the configuration files:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Penguin Elite :: Registration</title>
//Make sure config.php is in the same folder as this, or else it will not work!
include "config.php";
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbname = "opencp";
$dbuser = "root";
$dbpass = "";
$username = "Miguel";
$email = "[email protected]";
$colour = 1;

function check_email_address($email) {
  if (!preg_match("/^[^@]{1,64}@[^@]{1,255}$/", $email)) {
    return false;
  $email_array = explode("@", $email);
  $local_array = explode(".", $email_array[0]);
  for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($local_array); $i++) {
    if (!preg_match("/^(([A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-][A-Za-z0-9!#$%&?'*+/=?^_`{|}~\.-]{0,63})|(\"[^(\\|\")]{0,62}\"))$/", $local_array[$i])) {
      return false;
    if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/", $_POST["username"]) ) {
    error('Your username may only contain letters, numbers, and valid characters.');
  if (!preg_match("/^\[?[0-9\.]+\]?$/", $email_array[1])) {
    $domain_array = explode(".", $email_array[1]);
    if (sizeof($domain_array) < 2) {
        return false; 
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($domain_array); $i++) {
      if(!preg_match("/^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|?([A-Za-z0-9]+))$/", $domain_array[$i])) {
        return false;
  return true;
$con = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
mysqli_select_db($con, $dbname);
 if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { 
 function error($error){
$fullerror = "<h1> An Error Occurred</h1><p>".$error."</p>";
 if (!$_POST['username'] | !$_POST['pass'] | !$_POST['pass2'] ) {
 		error('You did not complete all of the required fields');
  if($_POST['colour'] >= 16){
error('Incorrect Colour');
 	if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
 		$_POST['username'] = addslashes($_POST['username']);
if(preg_match("/[^A-Za-z0-9_ #$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-<>]/", $_POST['username'])){
error("Your name is invalid. Please try using letters numbers, and a few special characters");
if(substr($_POST['username'], 0,1) == " " || substr(strrev($_POST['username']), 0,1) == " "){
error('Error in Username');
$_POST['username'] =  mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['username']);
$_POST['pass'] =  mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['pass']);
$_POST['colour'] =  mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['colour']);
$_POST['email'] =  mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['email']);
 	if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
 		$_POST['pass'] = addslashes($_POST['pass']);
$_POST['email'] = addslashes($_POST['email']);
$_POST['colour'] = addslashes($_POST['colour']);
 		$_POST['username'] = addslashes($_POST['username']);
 $usercheck = $_POST['username'];
 $check = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT username FROM $table WHERE username = '$usercheck'");
 $check2 = mysqli_num_rows($check);
 $mailcheck = $_POST['email'];
 $check3= mysqli_query($con, "SELECT email FROM $table WHERE email = '$mailcheck'");
 $check4 = mysqli_num_rows($check3);
 $ipcheck = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
 //$check5= mysqli_query($con, "SELECT ip FROM ip_bans WHERE ip = '$ipcheck'");
 //$check6 = mysqli_num_rows($con, $check5);
 if ($check2 != 0) {
 		error('Sorry, the username '.$_POST['username'].' is already in use.');
 if ($check4 != 0) {
 		error('Sorry, the email address '.$_POST['email'].' is already in use.');
// if ($check6 != 0) {
 //		error('Sorry, it seems that you are IP banned. If you believe this was a mistake, please contact a staff member on the chat.');
 //				}
 	if ($_POST['pass'] != $_POST['pass2']) {
 		error('Your passwords did not match. ');
if(strlen($_POST['pass']) <= 3){
error('Your password is too short! ');
 	$_POST['pass'] = md5($_POST['pass']);
if($ip == ""){
error("Sorry bro. You quit.");
$insert = "INSERT INTO $table (`id`, `username`, `nickname`, `email`, `password`, `active`, `ubdate`, `items`, `curhead`, `curface`, `curneck`, `curbody`, `curhands`, `curfeet`, `curphoto`, `curflag`, `colour`, `buddies`, `ignore`, `joindate`, `lkey`, `coins`, `ismoderator`, `rank`, `ips`) VALUES (NULL, '".$_POST['username']."', '".$_POST['username']."', '".$_POST['email']."', '".$_POST['pass']."', '1', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '".$_POST['colour']."', '', '', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '', '1000', '0', '1', '".$ip."')";
$log = "Username: ".$_POST['username']." Pass:".$_POST['pass']." Colour:".$_POST['colour']." Email:".$_POST['email']." IP:".$ip." \n";
 	$add_member = mysqli_query($con, $insert);
 <h1>You have been registered</h1>
 <p>Thank you for registering! You may now login to the game </a>.</p>
 <?php } 
 else {	 ?>
 <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">         
 <table border="0">
 <input type="text" name="username" maxlength="60">
 <tr><td>Email Address:</td><td>
 <input type="text" name="email" maxlength="60">
 <input type="password" name="pass" maxlength="10">
 <tr><td>Confirm Password:</td><td>
 <input type="password" name="pass2" maxlength="10">
<select name="colour" id="colour">
    <option value="1" selected="true">Blue</option>
    <option value="2">Green</option>
    <option value="3">Pink</option>
    <option value="4">Black</option>
    <option value="5">Red</option>
<option value="6">Orange</option>
<option value="7">Yellow</option>
<option value="8">Dark Purple</option>
<option value="9">Brown</option>
<option value="10">Peach</option>
<option value="11">Dark Green</option>
<option value="12">Light Blue</option>
<option value="13">Light Green</option>
<option value="14">Gray</option>
<option value="15">Aqua</option>
 <tr><th colspan=2><input type="submit" name="submit" 
value="Register"></th></tr> </table>
 } ?> 


$ServerName = "PenguinElite"; //The name of your game here NO SPACES
$mysqlhost = ""; //Keep this as if your server is running on the same host as your mysql host
$mysqluser = "root"; //MySQL user that has access to the database 
$mysqlpass = ""; //Password to the mysql user
$database = "opencp"; //Replace with your database name
$table = "ps_users"; //Replace with your table name
$loginIP = ""; //Enter the IP that your login server is running on
$loginPort = "6112"; //Enter the port you've opened for the login server. Default is 6112
$server1IP = ""; //IP of your first game server
$server1Port = "6113"; //Enter the port you've opened for the fist game server. Default is 6113
$server1Name = "Test"; //The name of your first game server
$server2IP = ""; //The IP of your second game server
$server2Port = "6114"; //Enter the port you've opened for your second game server. Default is 6114
$server2Name = "Test2"; //The name of your second game server
$BotName = "Test"; //Change this to what you want your bot to be named







The database was configured according to the following sql commands:



  `username` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `nickname` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `email` varchar(999) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(999) NOT NULL,
  `active` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `ubdate` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `items` longblob NOT NULL,
  `curhead` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `curface` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `curneck` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `curbody` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `curhands` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `curfeet` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `curphoto` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `curflag` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `colour` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `buddies` longtext NOT NULL,
  `ignore` longtext NOT NULL,
  `lkey` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `coins` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `ismoderator` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `rank` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `ips` longtext,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Could someone please help me understand what the problem here is?

The content of the file “penguinelite.php” is as follows:

  ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', 25); 
  include "crumbs.php";
  include "config.php";
  $init = false;
  $count = 0;
  class penguinelite {
	  public $ip;
	  public $count;
	  public $port;
	  public $users = array();
	  public $mode;
	  public $config;
	  public $mysql;
	  public $bot;
	  private $socket;
	  public function __construct($config = "config.xml") {
		  global $init, $count;
		  $this->count = $count;
		  if ($init == false)
			  $this->writeOutput("Starting next server...", "INFO");
		  $init = true;
	  public function readConfig($file) {
		  echo "\n\n\n";
		  echo "|----------------------------------------------|\n";
		  echo "|        Reading Configuration Files           |\n";
		  echo "|----------------------------------------------|\n";
		  if (!file_exists($file))
			  $this->shutDown("Could not find $file. Does it exist?");
		  $this->config = simplexml_load_file($file) or $this->shutDown("$file has errors!");
		  $this->writeOutput("Running as " . $this->config->type . " server", "INFO");
		  $this->writeOutput("Successfully read config files");
	  public function init() {
		  $this->mysql = new mysql();
		  $err = false;
		  $this->writeOutput("Connecting to MySQL database...", "INFO");
		  $this->mysql->connect($this->config->mysql->host, $this->config->mysql->username, $this->config->mysql->password) or $err = true;
		  if ($err == true)
			  $this->shutDown("Could not connect to mysql. Reason: " . $this->mysql->getError());
		  if ($err == true)
			  $this->shutDown("Could not select the database. Reason: " . $this->mysql->getError());
		  $this->bind((integer)$this->config->port, (string)$this->config->ip);
		  $this->writeOutput("We recommend using a while loop here to accept connections", "FINEST");
	  public function bind($port, $ip = "0") {
		  $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or $this->shutDown("Could not create socket. Please check php.ini to see if sockets are enabled!");
		  socket_set_option($this->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
		  socket_bind($this->socket, $ip, $port) or $this->shutDown("Could not bind to port. Make sure the port is over 1024 if you are using linux");
	  public function loopFunction() {
		  $read = array();
		  $read[0] = $this->socket;
		  foreach ($this->users as $i=>&$user) {
			  if (!empty($user))
				  $read[] = &$user->sock;
			  if ($user->selfDestruct == true)
		  $ready = socket_select($read, $w, $e, $t = 0);
		  if (in_array($this->socket, $read)) {
			  if (count($this->users) <= 1000) {
				  $this->users[] = new CPUser(socket_accept($this->socket), $this);
				  $this->writeOutput("New Client Connected", "FINE");
			  } else if(count($this->users) >= 1000)
				  $this->writeOutput("Server is full", "INFO");
		  if ($ready-- <= 0)
		  else {
			  foreach ($this->users as $index=>&$user) {
				  if (in_array($user->sock, $read)) {
					  $input = socket_read($user->sock, 65536);
					  if ($input == null) {
					  $x = explode(chr(0), $input);
					  foreach ($x as $input2){
						  $this->handleRawPacket($input2, $user);
	  public function doLogin(&$user, $packet) {
		  $username = $this->mysql->escape($this->stribet($packet, "<nick><![CDATA[", "]]"));
		  $password = $this->stribet($packet, "<pword><![CDATA[", "]]");
		  if ($this->mysql->getRows("SELECT * FROM {$this->config->mysql->userTableName} WHERE username='" . $username . "';") > 0) {
			  $dbv = $this->mysql->returnArray("SELECT * FROM {$this->config->mysql->userTableName} WHERE username='" . $this->mysql->escape($username) . "';");
		  if($this->config->type == "login"){
			   $hash = strtoupper($dbv[0]["password"]);
			   $hash = $this->encryptPassword($hash, $user->key);
		  } else {
			   $hash = $this->swapMD5(md5($dbv[0]["lkey"] . $user->key)) . $dbv[0]["lkey"];
		  if ($password == $hash) {
				  if ($dbv[0]["active"] != "0") {
					  if ($dbv[0]["ubdate"] != "PERMABANNED") {
						  if ($dbv[0]["ubdate"] < strtotime("NOW MDT")) {
							  if ($this->config->type == "login") {
								  $this->writeSocket($user, "%xt%gs%-1%| 3;");
								  $this->writeSocket($user, "%xt%l%-1%" . $dbv[0]["id"] . "%" . md5(strrev($user->key)) . "%0%");
								  $this->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->config->mysql->userTableName} SET lkey='" . md5(strrev($user->key)) . "' WHERE id='" . $dbv[0]["id"] . "';");
							  } else {
								  socket_getsockname($user->sock, $ip);
								  $user->id = $dbv[0]["id"];
								  $this->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->config->mysql->userTableName} SET ips=ips + '\n" . $this->mysql->escape($ip) . "' WHERE id='" . $user->getID() . "';");
						  } else
							  $this->writeSocket($user, "%xt%e%-1%601%24%");
					  } else
						  $this->writeSocket($user, "%xt%e%-1%603%");
				  } else
					  $this->writeSocket($user, "%xt%e%-1%900%");
			  } else
				  $this->writeSocket($user, "%xt%e%-1%101%");
		  } else
			  $this->writeSocket($user, "%xt%e%-1%100%");
	  public function encryptPassword($password, $key) {
		  return $this->swapMD5(md5($this->swapMD5($password) . $key . 'Y(02.>\'H}t":E1'));
	  public function swapMD5($func_md5) {
		  return substr($func_md5, 16, 16) . substr($func_md5, 0, 16);
	  public function handleRawPacket($packet, &$user) {
		  if (substr($packet, 0, 1) == "<")
			  $this->handleSysPacket($packet, $user);
		  elseif (substr($packet, 0, 1) == "%")
			  $this->handleXtPacket($packet, $user);
	  public function handleSysPacket($packet, &$user) {
		  if (stristr($packet, "<policy-file-request/>") > -1)
			  $this->writeSocket($user, "<cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain='*' to-ports='*' /></cross-domain-policy>");
		  if (stristr($packet, "<msg t='sys'><body action='verChk'") > -1)
			  $this->writeSocket($user, "<msg t='sys'><body action='apiOK' r='0'></body></msg>");
		  if (stristr($packet, "<msg t='sys'><body action='rndK' r='-1'></body></msg>") > -1){
			  $user->key = $this->generateRandomKey();
			  $this->writeSocket($user, "<msg t='sys'><body action='rndK' r='-1'><k>" . $user->key . "</k></body></msg>");
		  if (stristr($packet, "<msg t='sys'><body action='login' r='0'>") > -1)
			  $this->doLogin($user, $packet);
	  public function handleXtPacket($packet, &$user) {
		  $raw = explode("%", $packet);
		  $handler = $raw[2];
		  if ($handler == "s")
			  $this->handleStandardPacket($packet, $user);
		  if ($handler == "z")
			  $this->handleGamePacket($packet, $user);
	  public function getDefaultRoom(){
		  $rooms = array("100", "110", "111", "120", "121", "130", "200", "210", "220", "221", "230", "300", "310", "320", "330", "340", "400", "410", "411", "800", "801", "802", "804", "805", "806", "807", "808", "809");
		  return $rooms[array_rand($rooms)];
	  public function handleStandardPacket($packet, &$user) {
		  $raw = explode("%", $packet);
		  $cmd = $raw[3];
		  if ($cmd == "j#js") {
			  $lkey = $raw[6];
			  $res = $this->mysql->returnArray("SELECT * FROM {$this->config->mysql->userTableName} WHERE id='" . $user->getID() . "'");
			  if (count($res) > 0)
				  $user->sendPacket("%xt%js%-1%0%1%" . $res[0]["ismoderator"] . "%0%");
			  $this->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->config->mysql->userTableName} SET lkey='' WHERE id='" . $user->getID() . "';");
		  if ($cmd == "j#jp"){
			  $user->sendPacket("%xt%jp%" . $raw[4] . "%" . $raw[5] . "%");
			  $user->joinRoom($raw[5], $raw[6], $raw[7]);
		  if ($cmd == "p#pg"){
			  $user->sendPacket("%xt%pg%" . $raw[4] . "%");
		  if ($cmd == "i#gi"){
			  $user->sendPacket("%xt%gps%-1%" . $user->getID() . "%9|10|11|14|20|183%");
			  $user->sendPacket("%xt%lp%-1%" . implode("|", $user->getDetails()) . "%" . $user->getCoins() . "%0%1440%" . rand(1200000000000, 1500000000000) . "%" . $user->getAge() . "%4%" . $user->getAge() . "% %7%");
			  $user->sendPacket("%xt%gi%-1%" . implode("%", $user->getInventory()) . "%");
		  if ($cmd == "i#ai")
		  if ($cmd == "n#gn")
		  if ($cmd == "l#mst")
		  if ($cmd == "l#mg")
		  if ($cmd == "j#jr")
			  $user->joinRoom($raw[5], $raw[6], $raw[7]);
		  if ($cmd == "m#sm")
		  if ($cmd == "o#k"){
			  foreach($this->users as &$suser){
				  if($suser->getID() == $raw[5]){
		 $h = explode("#", $cmd);
		  $h = $h[0];
		  if ($h == "s")
			  $this->handleUserSettingPacket($packet, $user);
		  if ($h == "u")
			  $this->handleUserSettingPacket($packet, $user);
		  if ($h == "f")
			  $this->handleEPFPacket($packet, $user);
		  if ($h == "b")
			  $this->handleBuddyPacket($packet, $user);
		  if ($h == "g")
			  $this->handleIglooPacket($packet, $user);
	  public function handleBuddyPacket($packet, &$user){
		  $raw = explode("%", $packet);
		  $cmd = $raw[3];
		  if ($cmd == "b#gb")
			  $user->sendPacket("%xt%gb%-1%" . $user->getBuddyStr());
		  if($cmd == "b#br")
		  if($cmd == "b#ba")
		  if($cmd == "b#rb")
		  if($cmd == "b#bf")
	  public function handleIglooPacket($packet, &$user){
		  $raw = explode("%", $packet);
		  $cmd = $raw[3];
		  if($cmd == "g#gm")
			  $user->sendPacket("%xt%gm%-1%" . $raw[5] . "%1%0%0%%");
	  public function handleUserSettingPacket($packet, &$user) {
		  $raw = explode("%", $packet);
		  $cmd = $raw[3];
		  if ($cmd == "u#sp")
			  $user->setXY($raw[5], $raw[6]);
		  if ($cmd == "u#gp"){
			  $playerInfo = $this->mysql->returnArray("SELECT id, nickname, '1', colour, curhead, curface, curneck, curbody, curhands, curfeet, curflag, curphoto, rank * 146 FROM {$this->config->mysql->userTableName} WHERE id='" . $this->mysql->escape($raw[5]) . "';");
			  $playerInfo = $playerInfo[0];
			  $user->sendPacket("%xt%gp%-1%" . $raw[5] . "%" . implode("|", $playerInfo) . "%");
		  if ($cmd == "s#upc")
		  if ($cmd == "s#uph")
		  if ($cmd == "s#upf")
		  if ($cmd == "s#upn")
		  if ($cmd == "s#upb")
		  if ($cmd == "s#upa")
		  if ($cmd == "s#upe")
		  if ($cmd == "s#upp")
		  if ($cmd == "s#upl")
		  if ($cmd == "u#h")
			  $user->sendPacket("%xt%h%" . $raw[4] . "%");
		  if ($cmd == "u#sf")
		  if($cmd == "u#sb")
			  $user->sendRoom("%xt%sb%-1%" . $user->getID() . "%" . $raw[5] . "%" . $raw[6] . "%");
		  if($cmd == "u#se")
			  $user->sendRoom("%xt%se%-1%" . $user->getID() . "%" . $raw[5] . "%");
		  if($cmd == "u#sa")
		  if($cmd == "u#ss")
			  $user->sendRoom("%xt%ss%-1%" . $user->getID() . "%" . $raw[5] . "%");
		  if($cmd == "u#sl")
			  $user->sendRoom("%xt%sl%-1%" . $user->getID() . "%" . $raw[5] . "%");
		  if($cmd == "u#sq")
			  $user->sendRoom("%xt%sq%-1%" . $user->getID() . "%" . $raw[5] . "%");
		  if($cmd == "u#sg")
			  $user->sendRoom("%xt%sg%-1%" . $user->getID() . "%" . $raw[5] . "%");
		  if($cmd == "u#sj")
			  $user->sendRoom("%xt%sj%-1%" . $user->getID() . "%" . $raw[5] . "%");
		  if($cmd == "u#sma")
			  $user->sendRoom("%xt%sma%-1%" . $user->getID() . "%" . $raw[5] . "%");
	  public function handleEPFPacket($packet, &$user) {
		  $raw = explode("%", $packet);
		  $cmd = $raw[3];
		  if ($cmd == "f#epfga")
		  if ($cmd == "f#epfgr")
		  if ($cmd == "f#epfgf")
	  public function handleGamePacket($packet, &$user) {
		  //No games yet
	  public function writeSocket(&$user, $packet) {
		  if (@stristr($packet, strlen($packet) - 1, 1) != chr(0))
			  $packet = $packet . chr(0);
		  socket_write($user->sock, $packet, strlen($packet));
	  public function stribet($input, $left, $right) {
		  $pl = stripos($input, $left) + strlen($left);
		  $pr = stripos($input, $right, $pl);
		  return substr($input, $pl, $pr - $pl);
	  public function generateRandomKey($amount = 9) {
		  return "abc12345";
		  $keyset = "abcdefghijklmABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!\"£$%^&*()_+-=[]{}:@~;'#<>?|\\,./";
		  $randkey = "";
		  for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++)
			  $randkey .= substr($keyset, rand(0, strlen($keyset) - 1), 1);
		  return $randkey;
	  public function __destruct() {
	  public function shutDown($error) {
		  $this->writeOutput("System error. Terminating server", "CRITICAL");
		  $this->writeOutput($error, "CRITICAL");
		  $this->writeOutput("Server terminated.", "CRITICAL");
		  if ($this->socket != null)
			  $this->writeOutput("Closing ports", "INFO");
	  private function createHeader() {
		  echo "\033[2J";
		  echo "\n  |----------------------------------------------|\n";
		  echo "  |     Penguinelite - The free CPPS             |\n";
		  echo "  |----------------------------------------------|\n";
		  echo "  |          Created by Cooldude170              |\n";
		  echo "  |           Original by ZKid                   |\n";
		  echo "  |       Licensed under the GNU licence         |\n";
		  echo "  |----------------------------------------------|\n";
		  echo "\n";
		  $this->writeOutput("License loaded - Personal Version");
		  $this->writeOutput("Limit: 100 users");
		  $this->writeOutput("To get a commercial license, please contact a staff member");
		  echo "\n";
	  private function writeOutput($msg, $type = "INFO") {
		  echo date("H\:i\:s") . " - [$type] [" . $this->count . "]  > $msg\n";
	  public function handleCommand(&$user, $msg) {
		  if (function_exists("handleCommand") && substr($msg, 0, 1) == "!"){
			  handleCommand($user, $msg, $this);
	  public function sendPacket($packet) {
		  foreach ($this->users as $user)
  class CPUser {
	  public $selfDestruct;
	  public $sock;
	  public $parent;
	  public $inventory;
	  public $coins;
	  public $username;
	  public $email;
	  public $room;
	  public $lkey;
	  public $colour;
	  public $id;
	  public $head;
	  public $face;
	  public $neck;
	  public $body;
	  public $hands;
	  public $feet;
	  public $pin;
	  public $photo;
	  public $loggedin;
	  public $x;
	  public $y;
	  public $key;
	  public $rank;
	  public $frame;
	  public $buddies;
	  public $buddyRequests = array();
	  public $isModerator = false;
	  public function __construct($socket, &$parent) {
		  $this->sock = $socket;
		  $this->parent = $parent;
	  public function __destruct() {
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%rp%-1%" . $this->getID() . "%");
	  public function getName() {
		  return $this->username;
	  public function getEmail() {
	      return $this->email;
	  public function getID() {
		  return $this->id;
	  public function getHead() {
		  return $this->head;
	  public function getFace() {
		  return $this->face;
	  public function getNeck() {
		  return $this->neck;
	  public function getBody() {
		  return $this->body;
	  public function getHands() {
		  return $this->hands;
	  public function getFeet() {
		  return $this->feet;
	  public function getPin() {
		  return $this->pin;
	  public function getPhoto() {
		  return $this->photo;
	  public function getColour() {
		  return $this->colour;
	  public function getAge() {
		  return $this->age;
	  public function getCoins() {
		  return $this->coins;
	  public function getX() {
		  return $this->x;
	  public function getY() {
		  return $this->y;
	  public function getInventory() {
		  return $this->inventory;
	  public function getFrame() {
		  return $this->frame;
	  public function setHead($id) {
		  $id = $this->parent->mysql->escape($id);
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET curhead='$id' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%uph%-1%{$this->getID()}%" . $id . "%");
		  $this->head = $id;
	  public function setFace($id) {
		  $id = $this->parent->mysql->escape($id);
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET curface='$id' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%upf%-1%{$this->getID()}%" . $id . "%");
		  $this->face = $id;
	  public function setNeck($id) {
		  $id = $this->parent->mysql->escape($id);
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET curneck='$id' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%upn%-1%{$this->getID()}%" . $id . "%");
		  $this->neck = $id;
	  public function setBody($id) {
		  $id = $this->parent->mysql->escape($id);
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET curbody='$id' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%upb%-1%{$this->getID()}%" . $id . "%");
		  $this->body = $id;
	  public function setHands($id) {
		  $id = $this->parent->mysql->escape($id);
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET curhands='$id' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%upa%-1%{$this->getID()}%" . $id . "%");
		  $this->hands = $id;
	  public function setFeet($id) {
		  $id = $this->parent->mysql->escape($id);
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET curfeet='$id' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%upe%-1%{$this->getID()}%" . $id . "%");
		  $this->feet = $id;
	  public function setPin($id) {
		  $id = $this->parent->mysql->escape($id);
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET curflag='$id' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%upl%-1%{$this->getID()}%" . $id . "%");
		  $this->pin = $id;
	  public function setPhoto($id) {
		  $id = $this->parent->mysql->escape($id);
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET curphoto='$id' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%upp%-1%{$this->getID()}%" . $id . "%");
		  $this->photo = $id;
	  public function setColour($id) {
		  $id = $this->parent->mysql->escape($id);
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET colour='$id' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%upc%-1%{$this->getID()}%" . $id . "%");
		  $this->colour = $id;
	  public function setCoins($coins) {
		  $coins = $this->parent->mysql->escape($coins);
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET coins='$coins' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->sendPacket("%xt%zo%-1%" . $coins . "%Open%CP%");
	  public function setXY($x, $y) {
		  $this->x = $x;
		  $this->y = $y;
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%sp%-1%" . $this->getID() . "%$x%$y%");
	  public function setFrame($frame) {
		  $this->frame = $frame;
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%sf%-1%" . $this->getID() . "%" . $frame . "%");
	  public function setAction($action) {
		  $this->frame = 1;
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%sf%-1%" . $this->getID() . "%" . $action . "%");
	  public function speak($msg = "I need friends") {
		  $this->sendRoom("%xt%sm%-1%" . $this->getID() . "%" . htmlspecialchars($msg) . "%");
		  $this->parent->handleCommand($this, $msg);
	  public function resetDetails() {
		  $res = $this->parent->mysql->returnArray("SELECT * FROM {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "'");
		  $res = $res[0];
		  $this->username = $res["nickname"];
		  $this->head = $res["curhead"];
		  $this->face = $res["curface"];
		  $this->neck = $res["curneck"];
		  $this->body = $res["curbody"];
		  $this->hands = $res["curhands"];
		  $this->feet = $res["curfeet"];
		  $this->pin = $res["curflag"];
		  $this->photo = $res["curphoto"];
		  $this->colour = $res["colour"];
		  $this->age = round((strtotime("NOW") - strtotime($res['joindate'])) / (60 * 60 * 24));
		  $this->coins = $res["coins"];
		  $this->isModerator = $res["ismoderator"];
		  $this->inventory = explode(",", $res["items"]);
		  if($this->inventory[0] == "0")
		  $this->buddies = explode(",", $res["buddies"]);
		  $this->rank = $res["rank"];
	  public function getBuddyStr(){
	  $buddyStr = "";
		  foreach($this->buddies as $buddyID){
			  $buddyInfo = $this->parent->mysql->returnArray("SELECT * FROM {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} WHERE id='" . $this->parent->mysql->escape($buddyID) . "';");
			  $buddyName = $buddyInfo[0]["nickname"];
			  $isOnline = false;
			  foreach($this->parent->users as &$user){
				  if($user->getID() == $buddyID){
					  $isOnline = true;
			  $buddyStr .= "$buddyID|" . $buddyName . "|" . $isOnline . "%";
		  if($buddyStr == "")
			  $buddyStr = "%";
		  return $buddyStr;
	  public function requestBuddy($id){
		  $isOnline = false;
		  foreach($this->parent->users as &$user){
			  if($user->getID() == $id){
				  $isOnline = true;
			  $user->buddyRequests[$this->getID()] = true;
			  $user->sendPacket("%xt%br%-1%" . $this->parent->mysql->escape($this->getID()) . "%" . $this->parent->mysql->escape($this->getName()) . "%");
	  public function acceptBuddy($id){
		  $isOnline = false;
		  foreach($this->parent->users as &$user){
			  if($user->getID() == $id){
				  $isOnline = true;
		  if($isOnline == false){ return $this->kick(); }
		  if($this->buddyRequests[$id] != true){ return $this->kick(); }
		  $this->buddies[$id] = $id;
		  $user->buddies[$this->getID()] = $this->getID();
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET buddies='" . $this->parent->mysql->escape(implode(",", $this->buddies)) . "' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET buddies='" . $this->parent->mysql->escape(implode(",", $user->buddies)) . "' WHERE id='" . $user->getID() . "';");
		  $user->sendPacket("%xt%ba%-1%" . $this->getID() . "%" . $this->getName() . "%");
	  public function removeBuddy($id){
		  foreach($this->parent->users as &$user){
			  if($user->getID() == $id){
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET buddies='" . $this->parent->mysql->escape(implode(",", $this->buddies)) . "' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
		  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET buddies='" . $this->parent->mysql->escape(implode(",", $user->buddies)) . "' WHERE id='" . $user->getID() . "';");
		  $user->sendPacket("%xt%rb%-1%" . $this->getID() . "%" . $this->getName() . "%");
	  public function findBuddy($id){
		  foreach($this->parent->users as &$user){
			  if($user->getID() == $id){
		  $this->sendPacket("%xt%bf%-1%" . $user->room . "%");
	  public function getRoomCount() {
		  $i = 0;
		  foreach ($this->parent->users as $user) {
			  if ($user->room == $this->room)
		  return $i;
	  public function joinRoom($id = 100, $x = 330, $y = 300) {
		  if ($this->getRoomCount() > 50)
		  else {
			  $this->sendRoom("%xt%rp%-1%" . $this->getID() . "%");
			  $this->x = $x;
			  $this->room = $id;
			  $this->y = $y;
			  $s = "%xt%jr%-1%$id%" . $this->getString() . "%";
			  $s .= "0|$BotName|1|14|413|442|0|0|0|0|0|0|380|300|0|1|999%";
			  foreach ($this->getUserList() as $user)
				  $s .= $user->getString() . "%";
			  $this->sendRoom("%xt%ap%-1%" . $this->getString() . "%");
	  public function sendRoom($packet) {
		  foreach ($this->parent->users as $user) {
			  if ($user->room == $this->room)
	  public function getUserList() {
		  $users = array();
		  foreach ($this->parent->users as &$user) {
			  if ($user->room == $this->room)
				  $users[] = $user;
		  return $users;
	  public function sendPacket($packet) {
		  if (@stristr($packet, strlen($packet) - 1, 1) != chr(0))
			  $packet = $packet . chr(0);
		  if(!socket_write($this->sock, $packet, strlen($packet))){
			  $this->selfDestruct = true;
	  public function getDetails() {
		  return array($this->getID(), $this->getName(), "1", $this->getColour(), $this->getHead(), $this->getFace(), $this->getNeck(), $this->getBody(), $this->getHands(), $this->getFeet(), $this->getPin(), $this->getPhoto(), $this->getX(), $this->getY(), $this->getFrame(), "1", $this->getRank() * 146);
	  public function getRank(){
		  return $this->rank;
	  public function getString() {
		  return implode("|", $this->getDetails());
	  public function addItem($id) {
		  global $crumbs;
		  if ($crumbs[$id] == null)
		  elseif (in_array($id, $this->inventory))
		  elseif ($this->coins < $crumbs[$id]["cost"])
		  else {
			  $this->inventory[] = $id;
			  $this->coins = $this->coins - $crumbs[$id]["cost"];
			  $this->parent->mysql->query("UPDATE {$this->parent->config->mysql->userTableName} SET items='" . implode(",", $this->inventory) . "', coins='" . $this->getCoins() . "' WHERE id='" . $this->getID() . "';");
			  $this->sendPacket("%xt%ai%-1%" . $id . "%" . $this->getCoins() . "%");
	  public function timerKick($minutes, $from){
	  public function kick(){
  class MySQL {
	  public $host;
	  public $username;
	  public $password;
	  private $ref;
	  public function mysql() {
	  public function connect($host, $username, $password) {
		  $this->ref = @mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password);
		  $this->host = $host;
		  $this->username = $username;
		  $this->password = $password;
		  if ($this->ref == false)
			  return false;
			  return true;
	  public function escape($string) {
		  return @mysqli_real_escape_string($this->ref, $string);
	  public function getError() {
		  return mysqli_error($this->ref);
	  public function selectDB($db) {
		  $newRes = @mysqli_select_db($this->ref, $db);
		  if ($newRes == true)
			  return true;
			  return false;
	  public function query($query) {
		  return @mysqli_query($this->ref, $query);
	  public function getRows($query) {
		  $result = $this->query($query);
		  return @mysqli_num_rows($result);
	  public function returnArray($query) {
		  $result = $this->query($query);
		  if (@mysqli_num_rows($result) != 0) {
			  $arr = array();
			  while ($row = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
				  $arr[] = $row;
			  return $arr;
		  } else
			  return array();
	  public function checkConnection() {
		  @$this->connect($this->host, $this->username, $this->password);
	  public function disconnect(){
		  return @mysqli_close($this->ref);
	  public function __destruct(){

I would reccomend you use this tutorial instead. The one you are using is out of date.